ਗੁਰਨਾਮ ਸਿੰਘ (ਡਾ.)
The confidence and inspiration to challenge power and corrupt leaders.
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The confidence and inspiration to challenge power and corrupt leaders. Dear Freinds I am increasingly feeling that we are at the cusp of major historical change. 'Ordinary' people throughout the world from all backgrounds are beginning to find the confidence and inspiration to challenge power and corrupt leaders. On this Christmas day, which was supposed to commemorate an earlier revolutionary, a poor man from Nazareth, has become one neoliberal orgy of consumption and gluttony. The religious people of the world have abandoned the universal and humanitarian ideals of their founders. 40 days ago another humble farmer from Haryana, Northern India decided to take a stance against a system that habitually violated human rights. His name is Gurbax Singh Khalsa, who decided to go on hunger strike demanding the release of six 'ordinary' Sikh revolutionaries who sought to challenge the brutality of the system. At the beginning the leaders were denouncing his actions. Now, when the masses have risen these corrupt cowards, politicians and 'holy men' are queuing up to have their picture taken with Gurbax Singh Khalsa. Asked what he would do when/if the 6 are released, he replied "he will travel the length and breadth of India demanding the freedom of all political prisoners in India, whatever their background. 30 Years after the 1984 genocide of Sikh in June and November, once again the Sikhs have awoken and rediscovered their true mission, as revolutionaries and freedom fighters. Long live Che Gurbax Singh Khalsa. Long live the people's revolution. Dr Gurnam Singh UK "Recognise the Human Race as one" Guru Gobind Singh (1666 1708)